Since the beginning of existence, every human being has yearned for a life of fulfillment and has aimed to live it with grace. Although there are several ways to do this, it is heartbreaking that very few of us manage to achieve this ideal life.
As someone who gives prime importance to the quality of life above everything else, Graham Michael Byers knows just how important it is to live a life of meaning. Here, Graham Michael Byers shares with us essential life lessons on living the ideal life.
Differentiating Between Needs and Wants
“The earlier you learn to differentiate between your needs and your wants in life, the quicker you will be able to strike the right balance,” says Graham Michael Byers. “We often confuse our wants with our needs, and in doing so, we keep postponing our happiness.”
This is indeed true. When we identify our needs, and once these needs are fulfilled, we may not necessarily sit back without doing more, but we certainly realize that our life is now a fulfilling one. On the other hand, if we fail to identify this point in our lives, we keep worrying and looking for more.
Learning from the Lives of Others
“The lives of others before us and the life lessons we can gain from them are two aspects that are treasure holds of learning,” reveals Graham Michael Byers. “When we learn how to access these lessons, we make life a lot easier for ourselves.”
This holds true for every human being. Why would we choose to ignore lessons that exist already? Why would we choose to make the same mistakes that others have already learned from? Why would we not follow a path that has already been cleared by those who have walked before our time? The lessons that others have passed on are out there for us to learn from, and in doing the same for those after us, we too pass on the legacy and learnings of a fulfilling life.
Choosing Your Way of Life Early
“Choose what you want from your life early, and choose well. When you know where you’re heading, you will make your journey as graceful as you can. It is when you lose your way that you lose your grace too,” says Graham Michael Byers.
Knowing early the kind of life you want helps you define your every move in line with these expectations. Thus, you have enough time to plan the moves with grace. This also ensures that you do not adopt wayward paths. By reaching your goals early, you achieve fulfillment too.
Wishing You All a Fulfilling Life Overflowing with Grace
“Life is more about how you live it and what you do with it for the sake of others, and less about what you achieve for yourself. I wish you a life that is fruitful in every way, a life brimming with fulfillment and overflowing with grace,” concludes Graham Michael Byers, wishing the best for all of us.
Photography by: Graham Michael Byers