COVID-19 Has Shaken The Global Economy Upside-Down - Ahmad Yasir

By Karishhma Ashwin By Karishhma Ashwin | April 22, 2021 | Sponsored Post,

Pandemic had gotten the rolling ball to a stop across all sectors in the world. And just when it seemed like things were getting back to normal, news broke about signs of COVID-19 up-ticking as nations lowered guard. Amidst all this, Ahmad Yasir, an entrepreneur, is inspiring others with his success story of scaling his company. Here’s more on it. Let’s delve.


Ahmad starts with pointing out the implications of the coronavirus epidemic. Owing to the impact of the global pandemic, more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon of a remote lifestyle which includes working from home. This has naturally pivoted consumers to make optimal (and therefore, increased) used of social media like Instagram. Ahmad explains, “The impact of the pandemic in the world of marketing is such that now businesses, especially those which were reluctant before, have to embrace social marketing strategies to not only generate leads but also enhance customer service from answering clients’ queries to content creation. This is the only way to reassure customers of new standards that will see them through the pandemic.” Ahmad alludes to some relevant stats: The world of marketing can expect around 70% increase in social media content (posts) creation during the pandemic, followed by blogs at 60% and video content at 49%. How does all of this connect to Ahmad scaling his company amidst a global pandemic? It does. Ahmad explains, “So now we know that social media is becoming more and more popular amongst public. And my business revolves around social. The pandemic, in a way, is putting my already successfully running business on a spurt, as now more and more users want to engage on my pages.”

Ahmad’s Instagram pages @ghetto and @reaction which began in 2015 have today garnered 2.7 million and 5 million followers. They add a bit of comedy in people’s lives – much needed in these challenging times. Filled with hilarious memes, quotes, videos, as well as captions, @reactions and @ghetto takes one down a veritable rabbit hole of humor.

Unlike other competitors, Yasir diversifies his web content. From the usual grandpa jokes that circulate around social platforms to the crazy and entertainingly stupid ones which only those generations who were weaned on the internet would understand, Ahmad Yasir’s content pages keeps one scrolling for hours. No wonder his humor-filled company is scaling amidst a pandemic-ridden world where around 40% of social users are spending more time on social media.

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